Once upon a LOVE

I believe we get just one chance at falling head over heels, knocking your socks off, crazy in love with someone.
And we mostly end up with someone other than that person especially because that kind of love is too great to fathom.

I remember being in that crazy ass love and we both believing we didn't deserve it.
We couldn't see how the other person was so in love with all our imperfections.
We wanted an explanation for the kind of perfection we had.

I know now how it feels not to have that love.
And even more aware i'm I that I'm never going to have that kind of love ever again.
i know that even though I'm sitting right next to an almost perfect person, that love that I once had will forever be a yardstick that can never be measured upto.
That which once was, would always bring doubts to any possibility of new love that could ever exist.
the only consolation for the heart is the possibility of other kinds of love that is yet to be experienced and explored.
 One of it being,
The I want to spend the rest of my life loving you kind of love.....

(inspired by a love lost)
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  1. Aww
    I can relate but most times we are too blinded by that all consuming love, fire, passion, Bla Bla love to realize that love isn't actually all about that.
    Sometimes we don't get what we think we want but what we actually need.

    The one that will love you like Christ loved the church will come and you will be better off for it.



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