Venting: Lifestyle and frenemies!!!

Hi people!!!

I feel like "Everyday isn't Christmas"
Meaning I feel crappy!!!

Sometimes I really get to think of everything, where I am! What I am! Who I am! And I even go a little further by wondering where I'm going to.

The few people who know me closely, who have broken through the walls I have built know for one that I put a lot of pressure on myself and even though all the time I have goes into me and my passion days like this I get lonely.

This time last year I would have felt this was impossible because I had a truck load of friends, fans....heheeee and in equal amount frenemies.

I miss a lot of them a lot because they at least kept me occupied and busy when I wasn't working and kept my mind away from the pressure, but I know they did more harm than good so I let go of them all or maybe they let go of me...
Who cares?

If you are reading I'm sorry but it's my blog, whether its my fashion or my feelings it's myStyleorgy.
My way of lifestyle!!!
It's always going to be my run to zone.

Okay so now that I have vented I feel fine, it's true a problem shared is half solved.
It's time for me to be a big girl now and like fergie said Big Girls Don't Cry!!!


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