THROWBACK: june twenty-twelve

Baby K!!! 

Quit... don't quit. Noodles... don't noodles. You are too concerned with what was and with what will be. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.

Hi people!!!
My week has been very eventful and busy so I haven't been able to take proper OOTD pictures so I decided to do a throwback! 

I'm working on two shoots right now one for my personal portfolio for my grey pixie fashion consulting firm and the other for a client.

Sometime last year I took these picture for my style diary for an online magazine. I was de-clustering my laptop then I found several pictures I used.

This was sometime in may I think and this is one of my looks. At this point I was very  interested and obssesed with vintage looks and clothing as you can see with my bohemian hair and then I loved my African inspired bangles.


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