Feature: ARROWS

This is an extract from my friend's blog!
Since I'm way too busy to actually make a post, Enjoy this very talented writeup!

….I believed you…

Heaven must have wept at my foolishness, Hell must have applauded my incomparable ability to be so depressingly dumb.

I shut my eyes to the truth…

It wasn’t just in my head, it wasn’t just my award-winning hell-will-freeze-over-before-I-let-you-breathe paranoia, it was real… You were putting your all into screwing me over and I decided to be blindfolded by what I chose to call “Love”.

LOVE. That thing. That rot that starts to consume from an untraceable point and morphs at a snail’s pace yet its grip grows stronger, wrecking all that it encounters and rendering its host defenceless and weak. That thing. It tells you there is light at the end of the tunnel and then, with that sadistic chuckle, cuts power and leaves you in the dark. That thing. It destroys all you value and hold dear and still tricks you into believing that you have everything. The deceit, the facade it splashes, distracting you till you are downtrodden. That thing……

Call it far-fetched optimism, but even as I knew how much of a pathetic asshole you were, I was still inclined to believe you had a heart. Heart. As in the thing that makes us feel things and hence conclude we are not demonic creatures. That thing I could have sworn you possessed… And died. The one thing you apparently had already given up for that effortless sense of humour you have…that played a huge part in drawing me in…*sigh*

I was wrong…

More than wrong, I was way outta my lane, not even considering those huge scary ass MACK trucks that would even crush your soul along with your body. I didn’t even look before diverting, that smile alone was enough of Satan’s misleading voice in my head… I diverted. And for a while,I was fine. But fine is what you are before an accident right? I was FINE, then the crash….

I got permanent scars…

Scars so huge, I don’t even know for the life of me what can cover them up. I’m just here, a broken spirit, paranoia on overdrive, cynicism on permanent play, and a lot of things no longer exist in my world…

But still, thank you. Thank you for a chance at happiness, however temporary, thank you for the hard lessons, thank you for that big black screen with nothing colourful on it…

If I ever get the colours back, I’ll thank you for making me able to appreciate them. If I don’t, well… Shit happens.

Just want you to see what is etched in my heart….here…with this piece… I’m saying hello….

Bukky Richards “13
Extract from;

1 comment

  1. Hey Love,...is it possible to change it to mindofamind2.wordpress.com ? I posted it on the wrong Blog. Corrected now. THANKS! :*


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