''critics might not like what they are seeing, but that doesn't mean that they don't like you! Respecting their opinions doesn't mean you agree with them''


"find a man diligment in his work he will stand before kings and not before mean men"


Some weeks back I went accessories shopping for one of my few friends Ifunanya for her website content and I got myself a few hand candies for my personal use.

I especially love the knuckle ring and the mustache ring which i got in three colours.

Like I promised outfit of the day pictures from the past week,
Fashion school is usually very hot and we stand all through most of the time, so I usually try as much as possible to wear light outfits most times a camisole then a jacket or tees and flat shoes.
Here i rocked my nude blazer (which i love so much), polka dot camisole, with deep blue jeans, black sandals and black leather bag with some gold accessories and my smiley button.
This past week has been eye opening and has thought me that whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well. There isn’t any point in giving up your dreams, if you work towards it, you will achieve what you truly desire.
I have started to dream more and hope for more, even though I have always been a dreamer, now I’m a believer and an optimist . . . lools

By the way no matter what course you read in school, you need to learn a skill to help give you a backup plan or a fall back plan.
Look for something you have a passion for and give yourself a little period of time to learn and master it.
After fashion school, I’m off to French school again.
Dream!!! Believe!!! Learn!!!! Achieve!!!
(Special thanks to MAKOGRAPHY for the pictures)

Ms Mako

1 comment

  1. Nice post... Inspiring the world one post at a time... This is just the beginning.


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