B.O.A.T.S: Life from my IMPERFECT VIEW*

I was meant to just show what I write about or what have written about but then my former laptop screen is broken so I needed to write again...
nothing inspires me more than a need to be heard ,a need to share my feelings and a way to convey my thoughts that's what writing for me as been about, there's nothing easier to write about than the things around me LIFE,FAMILY,FRIENDS,DAILY EXPERIENCES basically.

today i am looking from a view a lot of people have seen,the building or site is really insignificant but my views are because i don't see what everyone sees, i see people, deeper into that i see people of different social strata,diff races, diff color, people of diff sizes, people with different clothing, cars, sense of style, humour and perception but this is just the physical.
With a deeper insight i see some short people with high hopes, thin people with big dreams, fat people with small fears and tall people with short tempers.those who are happy with their lifes,those who are contented those who strive hard, those with big dreams, those who are upset inside dat the world has had its fair share at poking them, those who the gift of a day overwhelms and thoze who cant wait for death but from this short time have spent on earth i av learnt that life isnt wat u have at hand wen u are born or what u see on your t.v screen on Forbes or Dallas Divas n daughters or keeping up with the kardashians, its what u see in Haiti, what u av seen in Africa, what you see on the streets,what that little body of yours decides to do, the difference u decide to make.
Don't be unhappy about the life you have cos wen two peoples lifes is the same we stop being unique beings. make use of the small u av and dream big but affect a life while u r at it, make money but give the poor in your own little way cos every kind gesture counts, don't be ungrateful, be thankful and be kind. don't complain about what u don't av think of what u have..yield it,work with it,love it and share it.
someone as small as 8yrs started "PAY IT FORWARD" [1x3,3x3,9x3,27x3,81x3,243X3] he died shortly after that but he made a difference, dat waz wat life waz for him giving,helping and touching lives, he[1] helped three[x3] people who in turn helped three[x9] people n u kip doin it till it spreads all[px3] over paying the deeds forward ,that's what life should be for us all.making a difference no matter how small our impacts should make a huge difference,our future ambitions shouldn't be for just wealth we need to make a difference no matter how small we are,no matter how hard our life is going ,my mum is making her difference giving her all to raise me and my brother singly and i'm starting to make my difference making an impact on u in my own little way...make a difference today,help and love some one today.

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