DEE 24 THINGS BEFORE 25 LIST || 22 - Go to a beach or pool or take a trip and wear a bikini

its 124days, 14 hours, 16 minutes and 38seconds to my 25th birthday,
this is an update post of DEE 24 THINGS BEFORE 25 LIST. This is the 1st task I have done completely since i wrote that list.
why Go to a beach or pool or take a trip and wear a bikini?
well why not, Before I am 25 I would like to know that I am extremely comfortable in my own skin and body and i can work it well enough especially in a bikini.
One of the lessons anyone should learn from growing older isn't just that they are comfortable in their own skin but that they love themselves first.

This day was everything, I was happier than my usual self and i lived in the moment, there was a bit of rain and I danced in it.
I twirled and glowed and worked my body and somewhere in that moment I was happy to be me and I was glad to be growing older.
and i was even grateful for the littlest things like the rain, sand, nature, my body, sense of style and acquaintances.

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  1. It's very important to be comfortable in your own skin.

    Plz visit http:// / seller / annadee

    1. SURE IT IS. Thanks for stopping by.x

  2. Lol...and you started from the bottom of the list?

  3. The Bucket-list is almost completed. Great pictures.

    new post on

  4. If your birthday is Dec 22nd that means we have the same birthdays 😊😊


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