OOTD; Love struck geek


"It's a new era in fashion - there are no rules. It’s all about the individual and personal style, wearing high-end, low-end, classic labels, and up-and-coming designers all together."
........Alexander McQueen

"Fashion knows no boundaries."
..........Alexander McQueen

Raining season is really not the best of times when it comes to my general way of life right now.
When I consider the muddy grounds I have to walk on the days I don't get a car to drive, to the potholes I get to manoeuvre when I'm almost late for school and not to talk of the ridiculous and extreme hold-ups and go-slows that are caused by rich car owners trying to carefully manoeuvre like me ( I say rich because the rugged cars on my route don't care for their cars at all, they fly in and out of potholes like their shock absorbers were made for it).

Now to the advantage, like I earlier mentioned my love for layering my outfits as gone even beyond my understanding. It's becoming an obsession but thank God I finally have an excuse to layer (rme* I'm cold now).
The ability to change a certain look by throwing a cardigan or even a camisole top over an outfit is my new baby.
As a stylist I love fashion don'ts. you tell me this isn't allowed, don't wear this and I'm like guess what I'm so wearing it . 
the reason is simple I believe once you make it work, don'ts don't exist. 
I apply real life and let what people say is impossible say I'M Possible!!!

so I very much try every look on myself.
Today's outfit as usual is layered, and I'm officially launching my new bag and jeans too.
Loving it.

   My biggest fashion love: 
shopping for accessories because I have a good eye for it; infact the best eye

What I have been up to:
 I just started a new book, i saw the movie last year and fell in love with it; "Act like a lady think like a man" by Steve Harvey.
Haven't read much right now just the questions and answers at the back.
I'm not doing P.R for him but ladies get your copy now.

What I learnt today:
 saying sorry isn't as hard as I thought.


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