OOTD; scarf and tassels

'Clothes mean nothing until someone lives in them'
Marc Jacobs

remove far from me vanity and lies; give me neither poverty nor riches;
 feed me with food convenient for me 
proverbs 30:7

hello world;
when last did you write down your ideas and aspirations;
I have been writing down the things i want to do and i have been checking off the things i have been able to achieve; you should start doing the same

I went out yesterday with my brother and since i loosened my hair i decided to do the one thing I'm known for THE BOW SCARF; my identity 

I fell in love with this dress sometime in December last year and i immediately decided to get it;
wore it on my very boring birthday last year and decided to wear it for a second time with my iconic red lipstick *wink* and my mango pink neon shoes.
I'm out for now see you all soon

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