Life is about evolving and as I surf the internet searching for nothing and finding everything that's the one thing I remind myself.
I'm always thinking about what next but being one that is always constantly anxious, I'm learning to limit it to look and plan for the immediate future and not for the future I can't control.
Yes I know, I can't control the immediate future as well but I would like to believe that I can make decisions that affect that future not the future future...*gibberish much*
My blog is 3 soon and i'm asking myself what next after constantly giving *hits back to back* (inserts an Olamide)
So i'm growing and deciding on expansion, Not for money or for anything just for getting a bit of my old self back and that's why I have been writing more these days, I loved the feedback from writing JOMO vs FOMO; the Ambivert's Take and I loved that the post on compliments was on my lover's top three favourite post of all time.
So I'm going to be sharing more posts that would take you on a journey that not only motivates you but motivates even I myself.
This year, we are going more lifestyle than fashion and I just can't wait for all your feedbacks and all the contents that would be created.
I must confess being 25 does add a bit of positive pressure to delivering more and the fact that I see so many people following similar niches to the ones I kind of created or evolved is also a reason for me to want to diversify.
Whether we like it or not, blogging is a competitive career and there is need to stay true to ourselves and create fresh and unique contents.
I already have it all mapped out but a few lessons I have learnt lately involves keeping things and ideas to myself so i'm going to allow everyone just get acquainted to the new niches as we launch them.
If you are wondering if i'm Still a Fashion Blogger? hell yea and a lifestyle blogger? So much more this year.
P.s: I got a question to ask, what makes one a fashion blogger? I really need to know.
Dress as Top: @zirconsbyadebisi
Jeans: @hdhqv
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  1. It really is important to stay true to yourself. I think a fashion blogger is one who can creatively style clothes. You have to be creative and your looks should not always be the same. I absolutely hate checking out a blogger and all they wear is bodycon or the same absolute look just in different colors. To me you should be able to look at something and know how to rock it in different ways.

  2. Your top is amazing ! I so get where you are coming from "keeping things and ideas to myself.." It just seems like everything is fastest fingers first. May God continue to bless your handwork !

  3. Love the top or dress lolll u are very creative...just keep doing u and have fun :)

  4. Love the Nails!
    Looking forward to seeing the content you create.

  5. Dear Dee,
    I'm glad you've found yourself that's the best feeling. I would be patiently waiting on these new niches to see the amazing content you create

  6. This year I'm trying to make mine more personal. I feel it's kind of difficult because I'm not used to sharing deer's but I'm willing to give it a shot, ergo the acne post. I sha hope I get better.

  7. love your outfit, there's no rule for being a fashion blogger for me, its all about self expression through fashion I guess.

    Capturing Life Memoirs |


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