We have been talking a lot about people’s sense of entitlement and scrolling down the many post of the South African victim of physical abuse on Instagram pushes my thoughts into further realizing that entitlement is a root cause of physical abuse.
I’m a Yoruba girl, and a very common proverb of Yoruba people translated in English says, Parents are never truly contented with people correcting (flogging) their child.
From this standpoint, I further analyze why a man in his complete senses would think it’s okay to beat another man’s child because of flimsy and silly excuses like the fact that you didn’t like the way she spoke to you, the way she made your food, the way she walks, the way she breathes, you don’t like that she even breathes, because you would rather she doesn’t, she’s rude, she’s too polite, she’s too much of an extrovert or maybe even too much of an introvert.
You don’t like her anymore, you are in love with someone else, your girlfriend cleans up or rides you better than your wife does, the years she devoted to you having your kids, have gradually made her unattractive.
All I see from these complains is your utterly crazy sense of Entitlement.
That is because to me there isn’t one excuse that you could give to hitting a woman that makes any fucking sense to me. It’s just UNJUSTIFIABLE.
And yes I cursed, are you going to raise your damn hands at me because I cursed and you do not like it. Who told you that you are the only one entitled to having you own damn preferences, who told you that she likes the way you breathe, shouldn’t you be thankful you have a wife, girlfriend, lover or partner that hasn’t stopped cooking for your crazy ass or hasn’t even dusted some rat poison into the jollof rice she made for your after that first slap you gave her, that made you promise never to do it again four or five times before this recent once.
Who are you that she should be mindful of you!!!
Are you her God! Are you even worthy of being a god with a small G.?
Have you earned even being called a man, with your silly ass moodswings and insecurities that are strong characteristics of boys.
I have read all the bullshit by women who unfortunately even with their silliness and stupidity still don’t deserve your maltreatment, I have seen them blame females like them for being too opinionated, too much of nags, too much of this too less of that and fortunately for me, I have created an archive far in my emotionless side for people like them.
To them I say, Well-done! A round of applause for the wasted years you have spent getting educated, I’m not going to blame you but those who have told you you are not worth it. Those who have told you you don’t have rights, I’m sorry that I wasn’t there to fight for you or that we aren’t friends so I can physically explain to you why no one should hit you.
Again this is Nigeria, Soldiers beat citizens, another injustice born by entitlement, Police officers bully and everyone just keeps making up rules like they own the people around them, like they own the people entrusted to them.
The abuse of power because of entitlement sickens me a lot.
See there is a reason I didn’t stay with some of my exes, and it’s not because of the usual rubbish relationships have to go through it’s not infidelity or the little things like whether they were faithful or not, or whether they were playful or serious, or whether I LIKED OR LOVED THEM. I didn’t stay in a lot of situationship because I have parents (and yes, we all do), and because I am exposed and knowledgeable.
I didn’t stay because just like the males and guys, my mother carried me for 9months and even if i were born prematurely which i wasn’t some guys were born that way as well, also my mum trained me, just like any good mother would have done, she also educated me, my parents protected me and my mother has cried to God on my behalf and prayed for me since before I was born, all these treatments weren’t because I was male or female but because I was a human being. You see my mother had plans for my life and she helped me keep my light shining irrespective of whether I find a man or not, it was and is important to my mother that her child attains and achieves successes.
So why would I in the name of love, or like, or whatever the other fxxxing reasons are, stay with another human being, who might have or haven’t even gone through all this priviledges I have had when I don’t want to anymore. Why would I stay in situationships that can cut my destiny short or cut my life short? Why???
Dear Mr. Man, I pity your ass, our mothers are your mothers, and we are worth the same as you in their eyes so for that reason we are in every sense equals, possibly even superiors because of what we are capable of.
Dear My future Mr., I love myself so much that I will always come first and I am entitled to my happiness first before yours, so even if I will love you like crazy because we were made for each other, do not miss the point! Do not wake up and feel too entitled in my life, do not feel to deserving of my love, instead always feel grateful, grateful you have me, a shoulder to count on day in day out.
Fuck this ride or die shit.
In the words of Luvvie Ajayi; I’m “ride-or-Surely-You-Understand-Why-I'm-done-here.
And in the words of Dee Mako; I’m “Ride when everything is great, give people a few chances and alight at the earliest bus stop if I realize the car is going south”.
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