31:12:14 ------------> 1:1:15


Hi Guys!!!!
Thank you so much once again for an amazing year, i really want to write names but i'm so sure that i would miss out some people's names and i don't want that.
if you are reading this post, i want you to know that you are special and God will definitely give you a special new year gift on my behalf.

its been an amazing 2014, well not so amazing but any year that there is life and hope should be considered AMAZING.
i would love to write a summary in detail of my whole year but words can't do justice to all my experiences.
Year 2014 flew so fast but as you can imagine in between a lot of things happened.
As I mentioned in my previous post, my blog's name changed from mystyleorgy.blogspot.com to stylexpressions then i finally decided to go with my name hence www.deemako.com.
i changed the blog's design several times last year, and i'm so in love with what it looks like right now.

By next February i would have been blogging for two years but this year was an amazing one for my blog, i met so many amazing bloggers, a lot of whom i consider genius and others that i consider family.
I also made a lot of amazing friends mostly on the blog, i was also able to achieve a lot of what i wanted to achieve in year 2014.
My mum got retired which was a joyous moment in my house.
My cousin's and friends got married also.

on the downside, i am still single, i met a lot of good for nothing boy's earlier in the year, i'm thankful that they have gone back the way they came. hopefully by next year i would have found words to do a post on them.
After that i decided to continue the relationship i have gotten so used to with myself but weirdly enough i met alot of sweet guys towards the end of this year, though i'm almost certain they are not exactly ready for my wahala.

Remember how i complained about my finances in 2013, well 2014 was a lil better, i saved alot, and i even got enough money to get a car but i decided to put it into a more valid cause.
I also steered clear off unprofitable work, 8 to 5 may not be amazing but you get paid on time.

I also grew a little farther from God, i didn't even go to church tonight, i will try and talk about this when i really figure every thing i feel out.
I must mention once again that i'm single, i'm 25 this year and i'm single...phewww.
This new year must bring me a good and fine man o, i want my own bella naija wedding and baby bump fashion post soon o.

2014 lessons
It’s okay to o understand that birthday's come with old age.
it's okay to be obsessed and in love with myself.
it's okay to speak my mind even when no one likes it.
it's okay to put myself first.
it's okay to make sacrifices for my family.
it's okay to spend money on myself.
it's okay to be stingy.
it's okay to stand against settling.
it's okay to understand the idea behind self worth.
it's okay to be celibate.
it's okay to take time from everything including blogging.
it's okay to disappoint people.
i also continue on my journey of controlling my anger.
it's okay to explore my sexuality.

2015 decisions & aspirations

for the blog:
keep writing BOATS, hopefully more truer and undiluted.
make more friends and blog followers.
get a camera and laptop.
attend and cover move events.
explore the blog store and put up items less than 3000k for sale.
hangout with bloggeres and probably organize a bloggers day/night out.
more posts, better content, more review, more outfits

for my life:
look for a church/branch that ministers to me.
start dating finally...AMEN
arrange my room and personalize it the best way i can.
start my project with Alex.
Face my PGD in mass communications and move on to masters level.
buy a car
go to more places
be more stylish
be more social
take myself out more
make more friends
take dessert classes and start my dessert business
try new food
do new things
learn more at work
longer natural hair
(updated today 1st of june; cancelling all achieved goals so far)
post signature


  1. Beautiful Dress Desola...
    i love your blog design... Biko how did you do it?
    Your Bella naija Wedding will come in due time dear..
    2015 shall be your year ...

    1. thanks so much yeva, this year i'm going to make sure i do a nice tutorial on how to get the blog design, and maybe even a giveaway. Amen.x

  2. Loved reading the lessons you learnt last year and your goals for this year, I pray you achieve them all!
    Lol, I'm wondering what kind of wahala you have, hmmm.
    I totally identify with the unprofitable work bit.
    Amen to your BN wedding post and baby bump photos!


    1. Amen, lool tuke you don't want to know o. Amen again.x

  3. 2014 lessons, you read my mind. Nice post ^.^

  4. Hope you achieve your goals. Happy new year dear.

  5. This dress is gorgeous and you look absolutely amazing in it :)
    Thank you for visiting my blog, of course we can follow each other,
    so I just started following you on GFC,
    hope it`s visible, lately I`ve been having problem with my GFC,
    so if not let me know and I`ll try again.
    Happy new year :)


  6. Love your lesson and thanks for sharing them. You look lovely in red by the way.

    Kreyola Jounerys | Instagram

  7. Happy New Year Beautiful! Whyat's not to agree with those lessons! Riding the same boat with you hunnay!

    You look stunning in that red though! ha!


  8. Happy new year Dee. The dress o fit eeh Gan - an. Wishing you d best, and for tge wedding do not worry God has your back + we will turn up gan.


  9. Your dress is really perfect for work. Love it

    Happy New Year!!


  10. Hello Red dress!! Happy new year . :-)

  11. wow 25 i would not have guessed you look a lot younger actually... and tell me about unprofitable jobs I am currently in that position
    Now following on GFC.


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