Hopeless Romantic


I'm going to try to always start my posts with quotes that relate to them;
this here is my favourite love moment and quote right now, I play it atleast four times a day.
I dont show it but i am an actual hopeless romantic and also an emotional lover...
(thanks SCANDAL for this special fitz and olivia pope moment)

Olivia: “I don’t have to drive you away. You’re married. You have children. You’re the leader of the free world. You are away. By definition, you’re away. You’re unavailable.”

 Fitz: “So, this is about Mellie.”

 Olivia: “No! This is…I smile at her and I take off my clothes for you. I wait for you. I watch for you. My whole life is you. I can’t breathe because I’m waiting for you. You own me. You control me. I belong to you…”

 Fitz: “You own me! You control me. I belong to you. You think I don’t want to be a better man? You think that I don’t want to dedicate myself to my marriage? You don’t think I want to be honorable? To be the man you voted for? I love you. I’m in love with you. You’re the love of my life. My every feeling is controlled by the look on your face. I can’t breathe without you. I can’t sleep without you. I wait for you. I watch for you. I exist for you. If I could escape all of this and run away with you…there’s no Sally or Thomas here. You’re nobody’s victim, Liv. I belong to you. We’re in this together.”

i love you once
i love you twice
i love you till infinity...

love is selfless
love is taking what we cant because of what we feel
love is allowing yourself believe in a fairy tale
love is ridiculous
love is life's big gamble
love takes chances
love forgives
love is never perfect
love is the best feeling in the world...
love you always dear valentine...

more quotes;
“You are my something special.”
 “You are the most important person in my life. I can’t just stop. Can you?”
 “We are together. That’s all that matters.”
 “You’re playing the race card on the fact that I’m in love with you?”

 Outfit of today: floral body con skirt and pink neon zebra ilustration top and my celine inspired bag and my blue flats...
hi ROLEX....miss you!!!
see you all soon..

keeep loving
love makes the world go round
HAPPY VALS DAY valentines!!!!

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