I remember generations bak wen we used to write our info on d frnt pages of our exercise books d part that was indicated for School that time some of us would write school of hard knocks....
The truth be told therz nufin hard abt secondary school talkless of it even knockin us...
But then read this:

The situation of this country is alarming
Push aside erydayz hustle n bustle
Forget days we work n av nufin to show
Disregard everyday we spend hungry and angry
Leave erytym a car splashes water on u at a bus stop thanks to a whole lot of potholes
''This is so for the masses rite?
Let's get serious now
Remember those hours wasted in traffic jams, go_slows or hold ups,
The moments we get home and not even a flash of light,
Days ur cable network expires and therez no good station or broadcast to watch on ur local network,
Think of those tymz wen u couldn't sleep deep or even at all due to worrying, hunger, mosquitoes n heat,
To the poor man remember getting home to an empty table,
To the rich man remember that important flight u had to catch but there waz serious hold up,
Let us all remember the days none of our 3 phones network had service thanks to the constant unnoticed upgrades,
Also the dayz u r in ur cars or public transportations as the case may be n u r stuck in traffic 4 hours,
Whether u av a stand by generator or an "I beTter pass my neighbor" remember those days of fuel scarcity n patronizing black markets,
Remember erytym u come home to blackouts and the days u beat traffic all for ur 10 o'clock flight to be delayed for hours,

Forget our continious "LIGHT up Nigeria", "Help the Masses","stop piracy", "we need a change", "change is about to come", or the everlasting "ViSion 20**"....
In this country I live in
I can agree with change being in our hands but I sure can't see light at the end of our tunnel,
All I see is the little moonlight we have getting dimmer and dimmer by day,
Its a world in which no1 wants to die for any1 any more,
The time of Jesus and Abraham definitely ended the days of sacrifices,
Now all we have is Goodluck who refuses to be good and even the BRF that isn't bringing the right fate*
Ery1 has their own best interest at heart
Even our role models join campaigns to get their own share of the national cake...
The world is falling, the pple we call leaderz keep failing us and the masses continue to wail...
This country is definitely the definition of school of hardknocks
It hits u no matter who u are, where u are and wat u are

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