Last year, I discovered the concept of making goals with the number of your present age towards your next birthday and i made the '24 before 25' list below, 137 days, 8 hours and about 33 minutes away from my 25th birthday.
 I was 25 on the 22nd of December and I should have shared an update but i guess i just finally got around to doing it.
I started this list just 4 and the half month to my birthday and i'm so happy to share the results with you all.

  1. Run a steady Business: the Heartdictions Hq isn't that steady but we have sold, shipped, participated in trade fairs, sourced for items and now we have just launched our journals.
  2. Launch my Heartdictions HQ online and mobile Shop : so far we kind of have a mobile shop the online store would be moved to this year's goals.
  3. Launch my line of @THEHDHQV Js : Wow the Js meant Journals I have been working on it since March/april and i'm so glad they are out.
  4. Start Dating: Yes I think I have a BF.
  5. Visit Omu resort: Sadly I didn't
  6. Shoot Youtube Videos: Not yet released but i did shoot two videos with millicent.
  7. Buy a new lens for the camera : unfortunately i haven't bought a new lens yet.
  8. Write a feature for a magazine or another website "Fashion Bomb Daily? here done and did.
  9. Visit Art Galleries "RELE & NIKE ART GALLERY": i visited one so we good.
  10. Read at least 2 books: well do my class notes count?
  11. Write 5 posts on Lagos: i do have them in draft but i didn't publish, it was never the right time to.
  12. Learn how to use my camera: i do know how to use it 80% of the time.
  13. Finish all my post ideas from June 2015: I don't think i did but I tried.
  14. Take makeup tutorials: Do youtube tutorials count? 
  15. Get my driver's license: hahaa, just did this this week.
  16. Sew an outfit from scratch and make a blog post: maybe this year.
  17. Share at least 2 DIYs each month making it at least 8 before 25. (here)another epic failure
  18. Spend a day as a tourist in Lagos: well i did partially but it wasn't blog worthy.
  19. Arrange my room and keep it that way for a month. hahaaa i'm a joker.
  20. Go a week without TV: haahaaa another joke.
  21. Splurge & Save ( for every buy, there must be triple the amount saved and untouched); i was actually quite discipline.
  22. Go to a beach or pool or take a trip and wear a bikini : this is one i'm real glad i got to do(view here)
  23. Learn one of this softwares well (photoshop, indesign, coreldraw or Illustrator); i learnt coreldraw.
  24. write a letter to my 25 years self, write an update post, make a 25 before 26 list. ; WELL this is the update post, I wrote a letter that is still unfinished and i will start working on the next list.

what do you think of the idea? are you going to be setting any goals before your birthday? wanna share them?
drop your comments below.
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  1. Girl I'm definitely adapting this your list, going to write mine soon....like this week. I'm proud girl, you almost ticked all off.
    Girl 19 and 20 just made me laugh

  2. I can't even belive your age, over here drooling

  3. Very Nice...Happy belated birthday Dee.
    You inspired me:)
    The Beautiful Eagle

  4. You know, I really like this concept. I think you deserve a pat on the back for this-you didn't do everything but you almost did. I think I'm gonna do this for my 21st birthday post. Off to write my goals!

    Of which I would never put my number 19. And I understand that draft thingie. So many posts unlisted...

    Mira La Belle blog

  5. Proud of you DEE.

  6. Well done on accomplishing a whole lot. Now it's time to get grinding on the rest of them, aye?

    Berry Dakara Blog

  7. Well done girl. You've done so well for yourself. I love this concept of writing down a list of things to achieve. I would try to make one for myself and see how I fare. Congrats.


  8. Nice idea II think.... Yea am currently thinking about ideas for my next birthday. However, they are all fun things I want to do. nothing serious. In all, having a plan on ground is a good start tho


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