The winged-tip eye is never going out of style. It finds its way into every seasonal trend and manages to simply change its shade. It’s the foundation for a smoky eye and the extra bit of charm on an otherwise bare face. However, its most coveted feature – a stretched out tip that adds instant sex to your lid – is rather clumsily attempted. Perhaps, you can’t quite make an actual tip with your eyeliner. Maybe your hand is too shaky to use liquid liner. We’re going to give you a few simple “A HA” tips to make your winged-tip dreams come true.
  1. STRETCH YOUR LID: This seems like a no-brainer, right? Always pull your lid before applying your liner. The slight stretch is what gives you the winged-tip shape.
  2. START FROM THE TIP: You are not a magician. It’s okay. No one expects you to be able to draw a perfect winged tip starting from the corner of your eye. You’ll be surprised to find out that most celebrity makeup artists START by drawing the actual tip. It allows you to be more precise. Plus, it’s super simple to connect the tip to the liner on your lid or rim. That’s the easy part.
  3. KEEP ANGLE-TIPPED Q-TIPS NEAR: These are life-savers. Did you mess up?  Is it a rounded blob instead of a sharp point? These Q-tips, dipped in a little concealer, can save the day.

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