Do you know that girls are chronic cheats? 
Yes worse than boys....yes!
So what will you do if your girlfriend is cheating?
Breakup or let go?
This I got from sum boys I know;

GuyA: Yep...except she is my friend with benefit...
GuyB: I might not...I won't talk to her...I won't be calling her, I would free her for a week and listen to the explanation later...
GuyC: yea...just for the record....probably go back after she is sober *change it for her...
GuyD: I am versatile...when it happens I will know...

Which ever answer its your mindset and lifestyle that determines what you wail do!!!

Let me explain this to you...
As boys you have a lot of power not just because of d authority of Adam, its more than that,u guys get to know which of us is lucky enough to get to spend d rest of her life wit u...

you know which 1 of us has what u r really looking 4 cos truth be told every other thing u say is a lie...
you lie to every gal that they are your TYPE...
Deceive every girl that can be STRAFFED...
N even stay GLUED to d ones that don't demand...
you fail to understand that dis way u set a standard of yourself....
U tell our subconscious *even if its d gal of your dreams that u r d 1 that knows if she is...
U don't remind only her that she's d only 1 or better still that she is the gal of your dreams...cos u av to keep others around too for ur own selfish ways

But the problem is an unsure us meets 1 of u weda hez sincere or is a con artist like most of u we just accept him cos we realize dat stayin wif 1 is a gamble but stayin wif two is a safer gamble n d  more d safer or in some cases where it comes wif cheedah* d merrier...

Another weird thing is as a babe we r so prepared to b screwed ova n cheated on dat even wen d few confident n almost sure ones amongst us say their BF isn't cheating d remaining female clan screams and yells "she is stupid n just deceiving herself" some even go as far as looking for ways to prove her wrong...
So I'm not saying cheating in any form or by any sex is justified but the moment u r ready to judge that your babe that is cheating ask yourself if
-you have made her feel sure of u
- if she feels special
- if she's damn sure she's d only 1
- in some cases if you perform both your sexual duties and the material duties as the case maybe...
 If you have done all this den she does deserve to be freed cos probably den you are the other guy but if you haven't you should give her another chance, set the right standards and make it right again...

and if you suspect or hear stuff about certain it might be very untrue now is your own turn to give her the right amount of attention and stick to only her too..
Because sooner or later its going to be the battle of the sexes...the fight on who can cheat the most and don't DULL o....
What a man can do a woman can definitely do better....

Grey pixie

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