B.O.A.T.S: twe are not BAD

Today my 5 & 6 like people call us and I were talking in our sad state of mind, doing what we know ow to do best, we start to comfort one another and my friend says and I quote "we are not bad people naa"

We are at this point where a lot of people are when they loose someone who they love or when they get heart broken...
No one is ever completely bad except they kill people in my opinion,
No one's true intentions is to hurt the other,
But why don't we all take a pause when we then hurt others,
why is letting go so easy for some,
why is it that making more money warrants a new perspective,
why is it that people that love u unconditionally don't worth anything to you,
Its crazy cos truth be told we are not bad people,
we like what we like,
Love who we love,
Make sacrifices wen we ought to,
We even choose good instead of best,
And we prefer the familiar to the new,
Don't we even deserve a little good,
Now I know what it means wen they say life isn't a bed of roses,
Look at your life n every time you have been down due to someone's reaction whether by what they say or don't say,
Think of when you have hurt people by what you say by little gossips or even by omission,
Karma is really real maybe we r really not bad people but maybe and just maybe its just "karma",
So we are where we are and you are where you are but please think of how your reactions hurt us and remember that there's something called karma and what goes around comes around!!!!

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