FOMO vs JOMO: The Ambivert's Take

I recently read an article about the Joy of missing out and i realised that Fomo was a thing as well.

I was contemplating writing a timeline or a detailed post about myself and life but then I had a recent conversation about myself with a colleague and he said you seem to always go the opposite direction than everyone else.

In a world where social media and the internet is king, i'm that girl who just wants to put the light off, watch a marathon of movies or series, have some junk or/and good food on the table in front of the couch i'm lying down that as my pillow and blanket on it and go days without any form of communication or company except maybe it's my third favourite person in the world, my lover.

Its funny how truly twisted I am as if you are seeing me from my social media pages or blog, you would think i like to be the heart or life of the party but truth is i would rather miss out on all the merriment and take joy in my own little moments.
I go days without reading my text messages, DMs, whatsapp messages and BBM. most times I even forget I have those apps.

For me there isn't any FOMO it's more of the JOMO as I would rather find myself, bask in my ideas and figure out a game plan.

Work already takes my quality time and so does Blogging so in every moment I get i would rather pass on the opportunity to be social and spend some time by myself.

To me the biggest cause of Fomo is our social media timelines, the constant repost or sharing of bubbly events and places and nice meals and destinations and shopping sprees and the latest big thing. 
The inability to distance ourselves from the reliant on social media would possible result in the Fomo.

A few perks I have found in missing out are:
  • becoming my own self
  • saving money
  • developing more ideas
  • having enough rest
  • being so much happier
  • catching up on real work
  • rebooting
I do enjoy spending time out and hanging out with real friends in real life but most of the time, I would rather spend my time with and by myself.

which do you catch FOMO or JOMO? why?
You can share your thoughts with me on social media @dee_mako on twitter, instagram and snapchat. It might take me a day to reply :).


Tee: Jumia 
Short: @hdhqv
Bag: moschino
Shoes: Converse ( the lover's)
post signature


  1. Spot on with the perks of missing out. Many times all you want and need is to be alone and that is not a bad thing. I'm 50/50; sometimes Fomo, other times Jomo. Depends on what life throws at me that day

    1. I know what you mean about the what life throws you situation. when i'm broke i'm more jomo motivated

  2. Still unsure of the full meanings of the terms you explained. Though I would say mixed. I enjoy solitude as much as I enjoy spending time with other. Only time will tell which trait is more prominent thought. Love the graphic Tee.
    Princess Audu

    1. thanks dear, i think we all kind of enjoy both but for me its been tested and trusted that i love solitude at least 3o% more than i love being out except food is involved.

  3. You know, for me, before last month, it was JOMO. Then it became FOMO but now, it's JOMO again. I am one of those people that people constantly ask "Why is your life so boring?" I used to reply "because my idea of fun is different." I believed my self but there was a little of doubt. Now however, I am indeed sure. #teamJOMO

    Mira La Belle blog

    1. the trick is to try not to be boring by gaining knowledge and spending time doing things you enjoy not what others want you to enjoy, i'm super boring too because i don't know the latest musics or gossips but it was a conscious decision to help me live a simpler life.

  4. I love your shirt omg.
    I used to experience FOMO a lot before. I couldn't do without checking my social media because I was afraid I was missing out on something juicy. At a point I knew I had a serious problem so I went on a social media 'cleanse'. I started timing myself. I gave myself 30 minutes for Twitter and 30 minutes for Instagram daily. Sounds crazy, but it actually worked. Since I could no longer use my phone, I started doing the things I enjoy doing but didn't do that much because I was spending so much time on my phone.

    Now I can go days without checking my social media account, thankfully. Great post.xx

    1. thanks Demilade, the social media cleanse is a smart one, i do mine by actively refusing to activate my data and i can go weeks and months without it.x

  5. Logging off Instagram gives you JOMO :D And it doesn't just apply to events - it applies to seeing people's clothes and worrying that you're not stylish enough, or seeing people smiling and feeling like the whole world but you is happy.

    Berry Dakara Blog

    1. Ha Ha! I get what you mean. But it's an endless source of inspiration and motivation so I guess it could go both ways.

    2. hahaa, berry, you are killing me. I agree for me it's more about i like this girls shoes, I want that, i need that, why i'm i broke, ohh FOMO.

  6. My kind of fun right now is to have time in blogging, making art, travelling, and sleeping :)) I also am not that active in social media except Instagram <3

    Capturing Life Memoirs | bloglovin' | Instagram

    1. There is something about Instagram that keeps us all sucked in, maybe its the fact that its what is social right now. i want to travel more myself.

  7. Girl I thought there was something wrong with me until some explained the concept of ambiversion to me, one minute it's life of the party and the next it's avoid human contact!!!
    I guess in the end for me it's JOMO cause in the end I'd rather just be by myself, it comes more naturally.

    1. hahaa, We are so similar it's ridunculous.

  8. Definitely feel the same way, I'm a JOMO girl too but finding the balance is a "Major Key" lol x

    1. hahaa...Dj khaled for president of the JOMO club. finding the balanmce is everything.

  9. You've got such lovely legs! Sometimes, one needs a break from all the social media circle


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