how are you doing today? it’s the second day in year 2014 and this is still a good time to keep reflecting and making resolutions.
even though for me, resolutions should be made at every point you realize you need change, this is a good period to have a general reflection of the past year, the lessons, the gains and the pains.
I’m going to be sharing with you some of my lessons, resolutions and inspirations for this year.
2013 lessons
It’s okay to cry over reasons you thought or people think you are strong enough to handle
it’s okay to be clueless about a lot of things
it’s okay to be jealous of other people’s lives from their instagram pictures
it’s okay to try something new
to take a leap of faith
do nice things to one’s self
i learn to control my conscience not letting it control me
there is nothing that one can’t achieve if one tries
always give people a chance to disappoint you at least three times before letting them go
it’s okay to miss people that treat you bad
fight for what you want
everyone talks only a few act
lastly, learnt not to trust people with money whether I’m selling stuff or performing a service.
for the blog:
keep exploring the blog design
I plan to get a whole lot more public followers
starting my video section
possibly do more personal posts and d.i.ys
write more
for my life;
be closer to God
be more social
take myself out more
make more friends
take makeup classes
try new food
do new things
learn more at work
longer natural hair
inspiration list 2014
colour my hair
get a nose piercing
get a new laptop/desktop
get a new camera
buy more shoes and clothes
get a new tailor
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